Dear Parents,

Keep calm You'll do a great job!.png

I’d like to let you know what we have set in place for learning for your children this final week of term.

· Pre-Prep: Your children have been sent home with packs for work for you to use for short bursts of learning across the day.

· Year 3: Packs of work have been provided along with instructions. Please work through these at your own pace with your child. If you have any queries, feel free to contact Mrs Kelly by email.

· Year 4: Work has been sent home. Please work through this at a speed with which you feel comfortable. Mr Buckingham will be in touch with you/available to you where needed by email.

· Year 5 – 8: Staff will be setting work and online activities directly with the children via their school email addresses. The timing of work will be in line with the timetable that they are used to, for example French on a Monday at 10am. Wherever possible, staff will also be online to help and answer questions during that timetabled period. Work will be marked online and feedback given direct to the children.

During non-academic subject periods, ie. Games, art, drama and music, we will not be setting work this week. We’d suggest that for this week your children use these periods as rest or down-time or for fun online or other educational activities.

Finally, we realise this is all a big change to everyone's routines! So please don’t put too much pressure on yourselves or your children.

The children will struggle as their minds try to make sense of the fact that home - previously a school antidote - is now going to be school as well during this strange time. This fact will take time for them (and you as parents!) to acclimatise to. So go easy on yourselves!

Keep an eye on this page. We will be letting you know of other online learning activities that we feel will be useful to you and of course in touch soon regarding online learning after the holidays.

Best wishes,

Mr Stuart Douch