For every holiday:
At half-term: Last day finishes (as normal) at 3.15 for Pre-Prep or 4.30 for Main School. At end of term: Last day finishes at 12.00 for Pre-Prep and at 12.30 for Main School.
Inset Day: Friday 6th September
Term begins: Monday 9th September
Pre-Prep Harvest Festival: Friday 27th September
Half term: Monday 21st - Friday 25th October
Second half begins: Monday 28th October
Christmas Bazaar: Friday 22nd November
Carol Service: Friday 6th December - Pre-Preparatory/Saturday 7th December - Preparatory
Term ends: Wednesday 11th December
Inset Day: Monday 6th January
Term begins: Tuesday 7th January
Half term: Monday 17th - Friday 21st February
Second half begins: Monday 24th February
Term ends: Friday 28th March
Inset Day: Tuesday 22nd April
Term begins: Wednesday 23rd April
May Bank Holiday: Monday 5th May
Speaking & Listening C.E.: Monday 12th - Thursday 17th May
Half term: Monday 26th - Friday 3oth May
Second half begins: Monday 2nd June
COMMON ENTRANCE: Tuesday 2nd - Friday 6th June inclusive
Summer Fête: Saturday 7th June
Sports Day: Saturday 21st June
Strawberry Tea: Thursday 26th June
Term ends: Friday 11th July
Name labels for uniform and sports kit
If you’re looking for name tags that you don’t have to sew or iron on, we have tested out and recommend this durable stick-on variety that you can order direct. Sompting Abbotts’ Parents’ Association has negotiated a discount for parents and it will receive a small contribution in return.
At Sompting Abbotts, we adopt a school-wide ethos that embodies our commitment to the environment. Its principles – 'Embrace Nature; Embrace Learning; Embrace Childhood' – are threaded through our teaching, influencing every child's journey from Pre-Prep to Upper Prep. Our 30-acre grounds and woodland in the South Downs National Park are at its roots.