Meet the staff at Sompting Abbotts Preparatory School
Sompting Abbotts is a privately-owned prep and pre-prep day school with its own nursery, located in Sompting, West Sussex. It was founded in 1921 and has been run by three generations of the Sinclair family.
Patricia Sinclair is the Proprietor and has served as Principal of Sompting Abbotts Preparatory School since 1995. Read about the Sinclair family history here.
David Sinclair is responsible for the conduct of the school’s financial affairs, business management and material state of the premises.
Mr Gunn, formerly Head of Games, became Headmaster in September 2023. His two sons are pupils at the school and his wife, Felicity, is a teacher in the Pre-Prep Department. “Knowing that my children's future is intertwined with that of Sompting Abbotts’ makes me doubly committed to the school's long-term success!” he says. Read profile.
“At Sompting Abbotts, we’re lucky to teach motivated children. They work hard, play hard and always try their best. It’s the children that make each day at this school a special place to work. Teaching Science, it’s rewarding to be able to inspire boys and girls to potentially become future biologists, zoologists, engineers, vets, doctors and more ...” Read profile.
“Smaller classes allow me to focus on each individual and tailor work to provide the correct level of challenge which pushes each child to reach their potential. Teachers are urged to use the school and grounds to their full potential, which is refreshing, as I see so many other schools retreating to within the classroom.” Read profile.
“Having taught in a state school before joining Sompting Abbotts I had become disillusioned how it was about league tables and performance rather than meeting individual needs. Sompting Abbotts has allowed me to fall back in love with teaching, letting me tailor lessons to needs rather than ploughing through an overcrowded curriculum.” Read profile.
Stuart Douch served as Headmaster from 2013 - 2023, stepping down due to ill health. He teaches our seniors English and History. He was a pupil himself at Sompting Abbotts, and was then educated at Lancing College. He holds an MA in Modern Literature, Culture and Creative Writing from the University of Kent. Read more here..
“Maths is everywhere, no matter what you see or do…” says Dawn Nel, who is passionate about teaching Maths and its application in everyday life. She taught Maths at independent school, The Hall, in Wimbledon, London, for over 20 years and has also worked in the state sector. Read profile.
“Geography (more than ever today) is such an important subject. Topics that are relevant to today such as climate change, water availability and natural resources are much easier understood by those who know Geography well. So, I strive to inspire the same interest and love of the subject in those who I teach! ” Read profile.
“What I love about teaching art is the pure creativity: that the children can express themselves as they want and there’s no right or wrong. I don’t have silence in the studio – the atmosphere is always bubbly. It’s a space where they can be a bit noisy and spontaneous.” Read profile.
“Many of my pupils have gained Music Scholarships to leading independent schools. I’m passionate about helping children realise their full potential and fostering in them a love of music that will stay with them throughout their lives.” View Profile
Madame Sachet is from Rennes, Brittany. “Being able to communicate with someone in his or her language is an incredible gift. For children in the world ahead, language fluency may well offer them a competitive edge and open up more career opportunities.” Read profile.
“At Sompting Abbotts, it’s really possible to deliver a ‘bespoke’ education, selecting the type of course and approach best suited to each child. As a polyglot, I know that studying Latin has useful connections to many modern European languages. It’s a highly organised and logical language, much like maths, so sharpens the mind and builds problem-solving skills.” Read profile.
Sarah Monaghan is a marketing consultant who assists the school with its strategic, visual and digital communications and is responsible for the school’s website development, design and content. Email:
“Mr ‘B’ as the children love to call him is our history and games teacher who also runs our popular Gardening Club and is a passionate ornithologist. Those in his form look forward to their early morning ‘Tweet of the Day’ outings around the grounds several days a week – binoculars in tow.” Read profile.
“You can tell straight away that the school has a big heart, and that the staff and pupils alike are more like a family than an institution. I love that the children here have the space and time to grow as individuals and develop their curiosity and imagination.” Read profile.
“I’m a huge rugby fan! I was a winger and played, county, regional and played in an England A match. As a girls’ games specialist, I’m very keen to involve them all, differentiate my lessons according to ability, and ensure all lessons are fun whilst the pupils achieve. I want the girls to be able to play football and rugby too.” Read profile.
“Having taught Early Years children for 20 years, I know how the transition from nursery to ‘big school’ or Reception can seem huge. But with the right preparation, your pre-schooler will be just as able to meet the challenge as the little mouse who took on the Gruffalo. What I (and the children!) love here is the freedom to use the woods and grounds literally as our outdoor classroom.”
“I feel Reception should be about providing children lots of opportunities to experience new things and to lay the foundation for all the learning that lays ahead of them. However your child feels coming into Reception - which naturally will be a mixture of apprehension and excitement - it’s my aim for them to thrive, have fun and develop their skills as learners.” Read profile.
“No matter what you plan, every single day is different and filled with all those little important stories and conversations that are so important to a four- and five-year-old. Children approach all aspects of learning with open eyes and untainted views. I’m constantly learning from them!” Read profile.
“I moved from the state school system because I wanted to work within a school that took a different approach. The small class sizes make a huge difference here (to my teaching and to the children’s attainment) and there’s a much greater sense of freedom, both in terms of the curriculum and the physical space available.” Read profile.
Sarah Stuart provides support in the classroom environment, working with individual pupils or groups of children in specific lessons. She’s also a trained dance and ballet teacher and runs our Pre-Prep ballet lessons.
Karen Andrews assists with the running of Sompting Abbotts’ Nursery and Pre-School, supporting staff in the delivery of the Early Years Curriculum to our Early Years.
Teachers at Sompting Abbotts marked World Teachers' Day by describing in their different and personal ways about the rewards of being a teacher.
“We create an environment where each pupil can achieve their own potential no matter what their ability. Through adult support, and degrees of differentiation, all sections of the school seek to provide the opportunity for each pupil to access the curriculum, join in lesson activities and achieve success.”