Sompting Abbotts Parents Association
Sompting Abbotts Prep School is a West Sussex independent family school where the sense of community is highly valued.
Sompting Abbotts Parents Association (SAPA) plays a big part in this. All parents at the school are automatically members of SAPA and are welcome to volunteer their input.
Parents, grandparents and guardians have a very active role in the life of our school and we welcome and really appreciate your support.
SAPA organises social events for parents and other school activities and helps to raise funds to provide items and facilities the school needs. We don't get involved in the running of the school however.
SAPA's main aims are to:
Engage in fundraising activities to provide additional facilities or equipment to enhance learning for the children
Run enjoyable and entertaining events and activities for children and parents
Strengthen relationships between parents, staff and the school to further foster our strong sense of family and community
In the last few years, SAPA has paid for many wonderful items on the 'wish lists' of the school and its staff, including digital tablets and trikes for the Pre-Prep school and Chromebooks for the Main School.
SAPA's key activities
SAPA's flagship events are the Christmas Bazaar; the Summer Fayre; Easter Bonnet competition; the Strawberry Tea and regular second-hand uniform sales, with many other events taking place on an ad-hoc basis.
How can you help?
Join the SAPA Committee.
Volunteer your help. The success of all our events is down to the enthusiastic support we receive from parents. If you can spare a few hours helping out, please let us know. Extra pairs of hands are always welcome!
Make offers of non-financial support and donations ie. food and drinks, stationery, raffle prizes etc.
Sponsorship. We are always looking for ways for businesses to help sponsor some of our flagship events.
At Sompting Abbotts, we adopt a school-wide ethos that embodies our commitment to the environment. Its principles – 'Embrace Nature; Embrace Learning; Embrace Childhood' – are threaded through our teaching, influencing every child's journey from Pre-Prep to Upper Prep. Our 30-acre grounds and woodland in the South Downs National Park are at its roots.