OPEN AFTERNOON: Friday 7th February @ 3.30–5pm
The best way to see our school is by stepping inside and meeting our pupils and staff! Our Open Afternoon on Friday 7th February is an informal opportunity for you to get a sense of school life, discover our green ethos, and explore the grounds, woodland and sports facilities.
If you’d like to visit, it would help us with numbers if you could fill in the short registration form below. (If you’re seeing this at short notice, however, feel free to simply drop in.)
When? Friday 7th February 2024 from 3.30-5pm
You’re welcome to bring your child/children with you.
Find a space in the school car parking areas and head to the Main School Reception.
You’ll be taken to the Library for a welcome cup of tea
We’ll introduce you to one of our pupils who will be your ‘tour guide’
Not sure how to find us? A map and driving directions are here.
Orientate yourself about the school before you come with this quick pdf.
In the last 10 years, our boys and girls have continued their academic educations – many with awards and exhibitions – at: Lancing College, Brighton College, Hurst College, Winchester, Sherborne, Roedean, Christ's Hospital, Seaford, Worth, Dulwich, Brighton Girls', Farlington and Burgess Hill Girls', among others. We believe that while striving for excellence and exam success is important, it is the character of the pupils leaving us that sets them apart and, often, makes them the first choice of many senior schools.
OPEN AFTERNOON: Friday 7th February at 3.30 – 5pm
If you can’t make the date and would like to arrange an individual visit at another time, please call the school office on 01903 235960 or email Mrs Patricia Sinclair at