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Easter term newsletter 2018

The term passed at an enormous rate of knots filled with academic awards, outings, events such as Science Week and Maths Day, and personal achievements. To reflect on some:

Personal Achievement

Rosalind D (Yr.7) has continued successfully entering festivals. In the Singing part of the Worthing Festival over half-term achieving  one third place, two second places, and a first place, that qualified her for the Finals on the Sunday evening.  Then on Saturday evening in two Song and Dance ensemble performances, coming first and second.   Well done Rosalind!

Religious Studies

In February, Year 8  were very pleased to welcome the artist Antonia Rolls, whose work features in the text book used in Year 6. They are working on a project on how faith is expressed through art and architecture and so the chance to see the original ‘Jesus on the Tube’  as well as some of her other works was not to be missed. Ms Rolls explained and contrasted her approach to icon painting to a traditional one and we all gained much insight into the techniques used.

Felicity Harrington

Netball Masterclass

The Year 7 girls attended an England Netball Masterclass with Georgia Lees at Roedean College. We teamed up with North Lancing in order to have a squad of 8 girls as requested. The morning was a time for developing skills in the gym doing lots of netball practices and drills. After a rather sumptuous lunch there was an inspiring talk by Georgia about her journey to playing for Surrey Storm and England. The girls also had a swim in the indoor pool and the day finished with a tournament where all the players were mixed up into teams. As we are going to watch Surrey Storm in May this was a wonderful experience to see what you need to do to ‘get to the top’.

Angela Farley


Since half term we have continued to have netball matches, although 'the beast from the east' unfortunately meant we did not play our fixture against The Towers. 

The U9s had 2 matches in their lesson time to give the Year 3s some experience of match play. They won 1 and lost 1.

The U10s had 3 matches. They won 1, drew 1 and lost 1.

The U12s had 3 matches.  They won 2, lost 1.

Angela Farley

Girls' Hockey

The girls played their inter House Hockey Tournament on Tuesday 13th March. All of the girls were involved and it was a great display of hockey skills and enthusiastic tackling! Annabel Johnston was the star of the day taking away the trophy for Romans.

All the Yrs.4 - 7 girls took their hockey sticks to Lancing College for their final hockey session this year on their full size astro turf pitch.

This was an opportunity for the girls to see how fast the ball travels on this surface and to improve their ball control. Although just a one off session, the girls got a feel for how fast and fun hockey can be... And the good weather helped! 

Angela Farley


The Year 7s held their Skipathon this half term. They were well organised and created great sessions for all the year groups in their games lessons. The Skipathon and Cinderella play raised over £500 for the British Heart Foundation. The generosity of all the sponsors is much appreciated.

Angela Farley

Science Week

Ms Scale again organized an exciting Science Week filled with competitions, morning assemblies, and  events,  culminating in the Great Science Bake Off which the staff judged - there were an incredible 33 entries. The quality and effort that went into these cakes was absolutely superb. Everybody was immensely impressed!   As a result it was decided to have an impromptu cake sale to raise money for charity (approximately £140),  for United World Schools, we support a school in Cambodia which is helping children with basic literacy and scientific knowledge.   Easter eggs and prizes were presented at Final Assembly.   Another splendid week – thank you Ms Scale!

Maths Day

Maths Day was held on the penultimate day of school. The Main School  was divided into four groups and then within those groups they were subdivided into equal teams to battle out the maths challenges. 

Mr Mac headed up the orienteering challenge using compass points and bearings, trundle wheels and maths questions to vary the difficulty for each group. The children were sent around the grounds in search of the mathematical anagram! 

Ms Farley, assisted by Mrs Triton, ran the outdoor grids. We had two 10 x 10 grids painted on the cricket pitch. The younger groups had variations of battleships to test their co-ordinate knowledge; the older groups were set a series of tricky transformations where they had a rope for the mirror line and themselves for the object and image for a series of questions using all four transformations. 

Mr Cauley organised a coding session to teach all the groups binary, the foundation of digital programming. He also built a 1m x 1m maze that required teamwork to find the way from 'depart' to 'arrivee'. Mr Buckingham supervised the timing of the maze challenge. 

Mrs Kelly created a 'Tea Party' theme for her activity. For the younger ones she had problems to solve and building challenges using edible materials. Ms Scale assisted in this session and then went on to lead the older groups, who had to create various polyhedra, again with the squidgy building materials provided. 

Mrs Tewkesbury provided four different maths art projects for each group. We had shapes within squiggles, never ending lines cut out and made into mobiles, fibonacci sequence circle pictures and sky lines using pi. Mrs Williamson assisted in these sessions and all the maths art was displayed in the art room for the presentation. 

In the final analysis the team results were:

  • Circle 3 - Triangle 2

  • Equilateral 1 - Quadrilateral 4

  • Parallel 3 - Perpendicular 2

  • Vertical 3 - Horizontal 2.

Easter eggs were won by all and both staff and students all had an enjoyable yet educational day. It was a joy to see the children working with others from different classes, sharing their knowledge, displaying leadership skills and again using teamwork, the 'we' word, to get the best results.                                                                                                           

Angela Farley

A final word – Ms Farley put an inordinate amount of thought and effort into Maths Day, ably assisted by all the staff mentioned in her report above, which guaranteed the wonderfully successful outcome.                                                                                            

Patricia Sinclair

Lego Club

Toby M continues to excite the Year 3s with his Thursday break time Lego Club...  New projects for all to enjoy. 

Pre-Prep News

As part of our topic ‘The Wondrous world of Books’, all of the Pre-Prep children visited Broadwater library and listened enthusiastically to the librarian about how libraries work and a selection of stories. Some of the children were able to bring their library cards and use the machine to take a book home, whilst others were able to receive their first library cards. The literary appreciation continued during World Book day when there were some wonderful costumes and books to be shared. We also enjoyed a visit from a local publisher, Jonathan Bailey, who explained the process involved in publishing children’s books, he also shared some of his books and donated them for the Pre-Prep children to enjoy.

The Class Assemblies all kept to the theme of books, we were impressed with PP4 and PP3's retelling of the modern fairy tale 'King Changealot’ and their endorsing of the need for reading and books. PP2 showed us their wonderful artwork, writing and acted out the story of ‘Our House’ which taught us the importance of sharing. PP1 wowed us with their wonderful singing, pictures and performance of the story ‘Kipper’s Toybox’.

The Keystage 1 children had great fun during science week, building towers out of spaghetti and marshmallows and making rainbow patterns using skittles sweets and warm water. The entries created for the ‘Great Science Bake-off’ were outstanding – we were treated to a spider, brain, planets, parts of the body and a skeleton cake. We were very impressed with the efforts that everyone made and would like to thank all the children (and parents) for their efforts.

Reminder for PE uniform in the Pre-Prep

Mr. Mac has asked that all children in PP2, PP3 and PP4 have trainers in school for next term's PE lessons. The white plimsolls are for indoor use and are not robust enough for outdoor games. If children are unable to tie their shoelaces, please could they have Velcro fastening trainers. The summer games kit for PP2 and PP3 remains the same -white polo tops and white shorts. PP4 boys should wear blue shorts with their white polo tops. PP4 girls should wear blue skorts with their white polo tops. White shorts are worn by all for Sports Day.

Kirsty Miles


Looking forward and hoping for a good summer, may we request that boys and girls wear school uniform plain navy  Speedo swimsuits. Mr Mac has shown the Main School samples of the items in assembly. Your help would be much appreciated.

Wishing you a happy Easter!


Patricia Sinclair